Our Story

In 2018, we came together to form The Karing Home Youth Project to fight to end homelessness as a group of dreamers, doers, and leaders in Northern Michigan. We continue to join forces to help those in need in our community. We work especially close with youth in order to provide them with access to basic needs, such as food, housing, and education. 

Founder and President, Kari Jo Stefanski, has attributed her lifelong purpose to those in need to create and implement this foundation in Northern Michigan. Despite the many encounters she has had with homeless youth over the years, she recognizes that now, more than ever, there is a pressing need for a homeless shelter and services for the less fortunate youth in Northern Michigan. In 2018, Kari Jo, and Co-Founder and Vice President, Denise Pallarito, set out to do just that with the help of their Board of Directors, Board Members, Community Partners, donors, and volunteers. Though the dream is to create a safe space for teens and young adults to start over and find their place, The Karing Home Youth Project firmly believes that this will only be accomplished by goals that are put in place. 

We joined forces as a group to achieve those goals with the same passion to help teens and young adults that are experiencing hardships and homelessness in their lives.  There are many of us who have experienced a relationship with a young adult in our community who have, or who currently are, struggling. Our goal is to connect those in need with local, state, and national housing and educational resources through community organizations that can provide aid as needed. These individuals may be at risk and may need immediate guidance. That is where our Crisis Care Program comes into motion. This response team will be able to ensure safety to youth who are in present need of services. Currently, we have a Crisis Care backpack that is readily available to those in need. Please contact us if you or someone you know is in need.

We acknowledge that each individual is at a different place in their life and will need an individualized program in order to be supported in the best way. Through this foundation, our long term goal is to establish a fund in order to build our group home, The Karing Home. This safe haven will allow youth to start with a fresh clean slate and be afforded the care that they need. This is where we need your help. Through your generous financial support, we will be able to provide homeless teens and young adults with the care that they need. We have come together as a team to begin planning what we call our Kamp for a Kause, which will be an annual camp out to raise awareness about the impact that homelessness has on our youth. As a team, we look forward to working with volunteers, donors, and community partners in order to advocate for the youth in our community. 

Our dream as a group is to create an environment that promotes community and kindness.  We want to encourage everyone to help others to rise to their full potential, as well, no matter their socioeconomic status. As doers, we put together plans and goals to help others to find their dreams and their hopes. As leaders, we know that we all need guidance and that we have to be here to guide those in need, and help the less fortunate on their path to success. And, finally, like dreamers, we recognize that all of these goals are attainable through our dreams, thus allowing us to manifest a better tomorrow for one and for all.